From :Glory PY Yip aka Glory Moon

hope those who don't know chinese don't mind. my surname, "yip" in
cantonese and "ye (4)" in mandarin, has the meaning of "leaf". i
incorporated "leaves" in the second and third attempts. share with any
chinese and non-chinese who are interested in chinese characters:


      |>     |>
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                 __|__ __|__
                  _|_   _|_
                 .---. .---.    
                 |___| |___|       
                 _\_/_ _\_/_    
                  _X_   _X_    
                 |   | |   |
                 |___| |___|

that is (supposed to be, anyway) the Chinese letter/word that is 
exclusively used to denote "a wedding event".
This word is actually composed of a more general word, namely 
                 |     | 

which means "happy" or "happiness", and by concatenating two copies of this 
above word, you get that special word about wedding. In fact, if you go to any
chinese restaurant, pretty often you can see this word, made into 3-D and 
painted in golden, hanging on the wall near the dragons.  

                         _,-' `-._
                      ``---\_ _/---``
                          (_ - _)
                           \_._/ 8
                           __H__  8
                          \  |  /  8
                          |\ | /|  8
                        `-,/   \,-'8.
                           |   |    `8<
                           |   |

               .-""-..   __       .--.
             .-.`( >  ""- ,)_    (   (
              `_( >    ~<| 0)-')')---')
            -."_( >     ~<`-"  " "  vV
            -._( >    -._ <  .___.Y'
             `._( >    `._(  ((        .
              '-._( >  '-._(  \\__^_^,';
                .-( >      ~<  .-.-.-./
               '--._( >       { v V Y
                   .-< >       \
                    "-< >       \   (PS)

(See 'dragon' for more dragons!)

 8  8                       888b.      8    8    w  w    Yb  dP
 8ww8 .d88 88b. 88b.Yb  dP  8  .8 .d88 88b. 88b. w w8ww   YbdP.d88b .d88 8d8b
 8  8 8  8 8  8 8  8 YbdP   8wwK' 8  8 8  8 8  8 8  8      YP 8.dP' 8  8 8P
 8  8 `Y88 88P' 88P'  dP    8  Yb `Y88 88P' 88P' 8  Y8P    88 `Y88P `Y88 8
           8    8    dP        /\
                              //\\       /\
      .o     .ooooo.         /'  \\     //\\        .ooooo.      .ooooo.
    o888    888' `Y88.            \\   //  `\      888' `Y88.   888' `Y88.
     888    888    888             \\ //           888    888   888    888
     888     `Vbood888            .-'^'-.           `Vbood888    `Vbood888
     888          888'          .' a___a `.              888'         888'
     888        .88P'          ==  (___)  ==           .88P'        .88P'
    o888o     .oP'              '. ._I_. .'          .oP'         .oP'
                        jgs ____/.`-----'.\____
         ||'   ||'      ~~|##...||............##|~~     ||'     ,   ,,||,
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      ,||' ,,,    '|,,    |##.//||\\.//...||..##| ,,,,,,||,,,||,||   ||
        ,||,    ',        |##===||===.//..||..##|       ||      ||   ||
      ,||' ,,,    '|,,    |##.//||\\.//...||..##| ,,,,,,||,,,||,||   ||
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 ''    ,   ||  ,  ',,     |##....//...........##|    ,|'|| '|, ||    ||
      ,'   ||   |,  ||,   |##..//===========..##|   ,|' ||  '',|     ||
   ,,|'    ||    ||  |    |##//......||.......##| ,''   ||   ,'      ||
   ''   ''||'    ''       |##..======||======.##|       ||  '        ||
      ||'      ,      ,,  |##.=======||=======##|     ||'         ||'
 '''''||'''||' ||'''''||' |##........||.......##|     ||    ,,,,,,||,,,||,
     ,|    ||  ||     ||  |##........||.......##| ,,,,,,,||,      ||
    ,|  ''||'  ||'''''||  |##....//...======..##|       ,|'  ''''''''''''
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      ||''''''''''||'     |##.=======....||...##|     ,| ,    ||      ||
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       ,|,,     ,,,,,     |##..//..\\..\\||...##|     ||      ||      ||
  ,,,''''          ''||   |#####################|     ||      ||''''''||

From: Walter Lee

                             /            v
mandarin|    Xin           nian          Hao
english |    new           year         happy

            _\______     /_______         ___
            __\/_|___   /  __|_      __/_   /
             _|_ | |     _|__|__      / / __|__
             /|\ | |         |        \/    |
                 / |         |        /\   \|


The following is an excerpt of a collection of Chinese characters
by D. C. Au (dcau@casbah.acns.nwu.edu).

See the original site at:

   #||||||||||||| |||||||||||| ,,,,,,,,,,,,, |||||||| ||||||||||'''|||||||#
   #||||||||||||| |||||||||||| |'''''' ' ''| |||||'''''''|,,,, ,,|||||||||#
   #||||||''''''' '''''''||||| ||''''| ||||| ||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||#
   #|||||| |||||| |||||| ||||| || || | || || ||||||'''''|''''' ''' '||||||#
   #|||||| |||||| |||||| ||||| ||,,,,|| | || ||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||#
   #|||||| '''''' '''''' ||||| |||||''|| ||| ||||||'''''||'''' ''''|||||||#
   #||||||,|||||| ||||||,||||| || ,,|| || || ||||||||||||| ||||||| |||||||#
   #||||||||||||| |||||||||||| |||||| |||| | |||||| ,,, || ||||||| |||||||#
   #||||||||||||| |||||||||||| ''''''''''''' |||||| ''' || ''''''' |||||||#
   #///////////////////// dcau@casbah.acns.nwu.edu ///////////////////////#
   #################### Version 2.1 - March 25, 1995 ######################

   This file is a collection of ASCII Chinese characters compiled over a
number of months.  These are examples of ASCII Chinese Character art that
have been posted or emailed to me.

   Chinese characters have a long and fascinating history in its ingenuity
and originality.  Earliest forms were pictographs - stylized pictures of
objects.  Graphic symbols soon arose in order to represent simple abstract
thoughts.  Ideographs were created from already existing simple characters
in order to express more complex ideas.  Eventually, to meet the demands
of thousands of new characters, the Chinese resorted to phonetic or harmonic
writing, relying on radicals for the sense and the phonetic for the sound.
Using ASCII, Chinese characters are a great source for creativity and
beauty, and it can definitely be classified as 'ASCII art'!

   I've included 'Artist:' lines to acknowledge the original creators of
the characters and 'Contributed by:' lines of people who emailed or posted
the piece(s) but did not create it themselves.  Unfortunately, information
of the creator is sometimes not available with art that is contributed or
posted.  Most of the work in this collection have been done by hand.  A
few have been made by scanning and converting (I'll make note of the ones
I know that are).  Towards the end of the list, two people tell of their
methods of doing that.  I'm also including an article I wrote giving tips
on making characters using ASCII.

   The sender's comments are in quotes.  My comments appear in brackets.
Anything else came as part of the art.  I have included translations and
pronounciations as much as possible.  Personally, I'm Cantonese but my
dictionary is in Mandarin so there will be mixture of both.

   Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this list.  This all began
with a request I made on alt.ascii-art and rec.arts.ascii and the project
has evolved into this list.  Now it's going back out to everyone.

   Send comments, suggestions and ascii art to: dcau@casbah.acns.nwu.edu
        ^^^^^^^^  """""""""""     ~~~~~~~~~

-- Daniel

                        == ASCII Chinese Collection ==

Artist: Unknown

How are you? (Cant: Nei ho; Mand: ni2 hao3)

             ,,,   ,|,                         ,,,
             ,|||  ||'                         '|||     ,,,|||,
            |||  ,||'  ,,|||,                  ,||  '|||'''|||'
          ,||'  ,|'||||' ,|||'                 ||',,,    ,||'
         ,||||  '    ||  ''                   ,||||||    |||,,||
        |'  ||       ||                 ,,|||'|| ||'|||'''||'
            ||   ,   ||  '||,           '|''  |,,|'       ||
            ||  ||   ||   '|||                ,|||,       ||
            || |||   ||     ||             ,||'' |||      ||
            ||  ' ,,,||                    ''     ''   ,,,||
            ''     '|||                                '||||
                    '''                                  ''

Artist: William Sawyer Grant 

"This is the remains of my other sig file but too many people responded to
it!  So I had to change it to the current version."
[Will's new sig is in the sig section towards the end.]

                /  /____           ____         _____      ___
              /|  /    /     |        /        |__|__     /   \
               |     |     __|___|_  |     __  |__|__          |
               |  /  |  \    |   | --|--  |__| |__|___        /
               |     |        \ /    |        , , , , \      |
               |    \|        / \   \|               _/      o

Artist: David Liu 

"I was also going to submit the following "poem" for Dan's first compilation,
but I couldn't find it.  Well, here it is, an early entry for Version 2.  I
wrote it for a friend in HK.  Dian4 Xin4 is supposed to be e-mail, and Wei1
Qing1 is my friend's name."

                            Internet Neighbor

 \ _____/   \ _____/    | |---|  --,-------  _\|/_|     ______/  |-----|
--, \ \ /  --, \ \ /  __|_|___|  |/  |---|    /|\ |--|     |     |--|--|
_/ /-----  _/ /-----    | |   |  | \ |---|   / | /\  | ----|---- |--|--|
 \  --|--   \  --|--   ||\|___|  |\||-----|  __/__ \/      |      __|__
 | |__|__|  | |__|__| / | |   |  |  |_\_/_|   / /  /\      |        |     ::
-'\_______ -'\_______   | |---|  |  |  | \|   /\  /  \     |    --------- /
   /   \      /  | |    |-------|  |_____|      /        |      |  | |
 _/ ------  _/ --|-|-|  | ----- |  |_____|  ---/----- ---|--- __|_-|-|--
   / |____    /|-|-|-|  | |---| | --------- _/|__|__    /|\     |  | | |
_/|  |   | _/| |-|-|--| | |---| |   | |__     |  |     /_|_\    |  |  \|
  |  |   |   |   | | \| |       |   |\|       |  |    /  |  \   |/ |
  | /   \|   |  /  |    |      \|  /  \____   |------    |    _/   |____| ::

--|-- -----  --|-- -----            | -------  /  | /      / |-----|
|-|-| / / /  |-|-| / / /          --|-   |    /_/ |/_/    /  | _|_ |
|-|-| \ \ \  |-|-| \ \ \  -------   |/   |    _/_\|_/_\ _/|  |  |  |  KEY
|-|-| -----  |-|-| -----            /    |    --|--\---   |  | |-| |
--|--   |    --|--   |             /|    |     / \  \/    |  | |-| |      ::
  |  -------   |  -------          \|   \|    /   _/ \/   |  |-----|      /
 ___|____    /  \    -------,  -----   |  ---|--|---  _/ |-||-|  |    |
/ ==|== /   / ------        |   /      |  _/|_|_||__  | ||-|| |  |--| |
  __|__   _/|  ----  |______|  /---\ | |  _/ ---/  |  | ||-|| | /\  | |\
 |__|__|    |  ----  |         __|__ | |   | |-| | |  |/||  |\|   \/  | \
 |__|__|    | |----| |           |     |   | | |  X     ||/||     /\  |
    |___|   | |----| |_______| __|_/  \|   |/  |// \   /    |   _/  \_|__ ::


[Translation of above poem by Henry Wu ]
"A very loose translation:

        Separated by several thousand miles,
        It feels like you're still here.
        Softly press a few keys.
        The electric message has already reached you.

From: zaneau@hk.net (Zane Au)

Thinking of you (C: seung nei; M: xiang2 ni3)

                ;,    .,,   ,,;,                   ,,
               '||:   :||||;;;::;         ,,,      ;|;
               ,||,;;, ||     ||          '|||     ||'
           ;|||;||;;'' ||||||;||          ,||    ,||' ,,,|||,
            '''|||;,,  ||''   ||          ||',, ,|'||||' ,|||'
             ,|;||'|;; ||||||;||         ,||||| '    ||  ''
            ;;':||  '';||''   ||   ,,|||'|| ||'      ||
          .''  :|;    :|||||;;;'   '|''  |,,|'   ,   ||  '||,
             , .'' .,,  '''.,,           ,|||,  ||   ||   '|||
            || |;   ';|;,   '||;,        ,|||, :||;  ||   '|||
           ;|| '|;    ';;:   '|;;;    ,||'' |||'||'  ||     ||
           :||  '|;,         ., ''    ''     '' ' ,,,||
            ''   '|;;:,,,,,,,,||,                  '|||
                    ''::::::::''                    '''

Artist: Liza Chu (lchu@u.washington.edu)

"It literally means "add gas", but generally it means "increase motivation"
or "more strength" (sorry for the poor translation)"  [It's all right :)]
(Cant: ga yow; Mand: jia1 you2)

                 .;.                     .               .;.
                ;;;;;                   ;;;             ;;;;;
                ;;;;;                   ;;;;            ;;;;;
                ;;;;;                    ;;;            ;;;;;
                ;;;;;                    ;;;            ;;;;;
                ;;;;    ..                ;;            ;;;;       ;;.
       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,                       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
       .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.                   ;    .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.
              .;;;;   ;;;  .      .         ;;     ;;   ;;;;      ;;;.
              .;;;;   ;;.  ;;;;;;;;.      ;;;.     ;;   ;;;;      ;;;
              .;;;    ;;   ;;    ;;      ;;;;      ;;   ;;;.      ;;;
              ,;;;    ;;   ;;    ;;      .;;       ;;   ;;;       ;;;
              ;;;     ;;   ;;   `;;           ;    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
             ;;;      ;;   ;;;;;;.          ;;;    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;`;;;
            ;;;       ;;                   ;;;;    ;;   ;;        ;;.
           ;;         ;;                  ;;;;.    .;   ;;        ;;
          ;;        ` ;;                 ;;;;.      ;   ;;      `;;;
         ;.          ;;;                ;;;;;       ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
        ;             ;.                .;;.        .;;;;;;;;;;;;.

                                                                liza 4.19.94

Contributed by: Si Burton 

Happy birthday (C: Sang yet fai lok; M: sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4)

        #                             #    #          #   #     #
    #   #           ###########       #    #         #  ###### #  #
    #   #    #      #        #        #    #   #    #### #   # ###
   ############     #        #      # ## ########     #  #####  #
   #    #           #        #      # # #  #   #     # # #   # #  #
  #     #           #        #      # #    #   #    #### ##### ####
 #      #           ##########     #  #    #   #           #
        #   #       #        #        ############   #############
   ###########      #        #        #    #               #
        #           #        #        #   # #           #  #  #
        #           #        #        #   #  #         #   #   #
        #           #        #        #  #    #       #    #    ##
        #     #     ##########        # #      ##   ##     #     #
 ###############    #        #        ##        ###        #

Contributed by: Astray Angel 

Patience: (M: ren3)
         / o                                                        o \
         |                                                            |
         |                          _ap@@@@@@b                        |
         |                     _ap@@@@@@@@@@@@@b                      |
         |                  @@@@@@P@@@P     ~@@@i                     |
         |                   ~~~~   @@@      @@@I                     |
         |                   ,qq,   @@@      @@@I                     |
         |                   ~~P@b,d@@      d@@@                      |
         |                       .d@@    ._d@@@                       |
         |                     .aPP       ~@@P                        |
         |                  .       ,_          .__                   |
         |                dP   @     @@b   _,     ~P@be.              |
         |               @@   I@      P@@@@@~   e_  ~P@@b             |
         |              @@@    @@b     `~~'     I@b   @@@             |
         |              `@P     @@@@eeeeeeeeeee@@@'   P~              |
         |                        ~~~PPPPPPPPPPP~                     |
         |                                                            |
         |                                                            |
         |         P  .  A  .  T  .  I  .  E  .  N  .  C  .  E        |
         |                                                            |
         | o                                                        o |

Contributed by: leizhou xu 

[Here's a parital translation by Zane Au ]
"The 4 characters mean: Dark, Cloud, That, Haunt (v.)"

        ,,,,,,  ,,,,,,   ,,,,,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,   ,'       ;
        ;,,,,;  ;,,,,;  ,,,,,,;,,,,,,,    ;   ;  ;   ,; ;'';'';  ,,;,,
        ;,,,,;  ;,,,,;  ; ,,, ;  ,,, ; ,,,;,,,;  ;  ,;  ;,,;,,;    ;
        ;  ,,,;,,,,  ;  ' ,,, ;  ,,, '    ;   ;  ;  ',  ;  ;  ; ''';'''
        ; ,,;,,,,;,, ;   ,,,,,,,,,,,,  ,,,;,,,;  ;    ; ';';'''   ;;;
        ;   ,,,,,,   ; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   ;   ;  ;    ;  ; ; ,' ,' ; ',
        ;   ;,,,,;   ;    ,;       ;     ;'  ,;  ;  ''' ,; ; ;,;   ;  ,
        ;   ;,,,,; ,,;   ,;,,,,;'''';, ,;' ,,;   ;     ,;  ';,,,,,,,,;'

Contributed by: Nirgalli 

"Here are 2 that my friend gave me. Maybe you have had it, but it doesn't hurt
that I send them again, right?"  [Not at all...]

Character for "Pig" (C: joo; M: zhu1)

                                 **    **
                           ********    **   **
                           ******      *******
                              **    ****** **
                             **   *  ****  *
                            **** ***   ** *****
                           ** ** **    *********
                          ** ***** *******
                            ** **   *  **  *
                           **  ****   *******
                          **  *** ** ****  **
                             ****    **    **
                            ** **   *** *****
                           **  **  * ****  **
                          **   ** *  **    **
                            *****    **  ****
                             ***     ********
                              *      **   **

You're a pig!  [Here's one to send to your close friends.]

               /  /             |----|        _______  __|__     !!!!
              /  /------/       |----|         / \    ___|_/_   !!!!!!
             /| /   |  /        |----|        /  /|/   /____     !!!!
            / |     |        ------------      / /|\  /|    |     !!
              |   / | \        | \ |---       / / | \  |----|
              |  / .|  \      /   \______      / \|    |____|     **

Artist: David Liu 

[The character on the inside of the border stands for 'dream' (mong, meng4)]
"I made this for my .plan."

                   The key to happiness is ha
                   h                        v
                   e        |      |        i
                      ------|------|------  n
                   k     ___|______|___     g
                   e     |   |    |   |
                   y     |___|____|___|     d
                       /-----------------/  r
                   t  /     /________   /   e
                   o      _/        /       a
                             \     /        m
                   s           \ /          s
                   u           /            .
                   c     ____/              e
                   c                        u
                   ess is making them come tr        Dvd '94

Artist: "Malcolm" 

I can't forget you.

       Y#,                                __         g_  Mc
        "___,         ___gg##g      ___aw49#W       ,#@ lB
   ___ge#4"""     -##"""TB          """  ,@#"       /@  &@  __
   ""7@                _W@              ,W"         M" ,#_gd@#,
     [P                M@              ~#          dB, &*   A@
     #L_ag#W          ,#C               Ma        /@QY,P __ "
     @"              ,WQ9`Mg_           QF       ,N Q    B@
       ,__  g__     ,W"QC `##a          Qb       "  #  , QL _
   g g  #@  `#@    a@  QL  `@#          Q@          B )@ QL @g
  ,B Q_ `".a `"   d"   EL    "          Q@          # WP Qb \#c
  &@ `@_   Bg_         #G               Q@          # *  Q@  ""
  VC  \#gggM##         #@             \##L          #  `gW@
        """""          QC              \@               `#"

Merry Christmas!

      ########           #          ###      #    #           #   #     #
      #   #  ######     #      ####        #    #          #  ###### #  #
      #####  #    #   #####       #        #    #   #     #### #   # ###
      #   #  #    #         ###   #      # ## ########      #  #####  #
      #####  #    #   #####   #   #      # # #  #   #      # # #   # #  #
      #   #  ######          #    ###    # #    #   #     #### ##### ####
    ########          ##### ##  # #     #  #    #   #            #
          #                   # # #        ############    #############
          #           #####   # # #        #    #              # # #
      ###########     #   # # # # #        #   #  #           #  #  #
           #          #   #  #  #####      #   #   #         #   #   #
      ###########     #   # # #            #  #     #      ##    #    ##
           #          ######   #           # #      ##         # #
    ###############   #   #     #####      ##        #          #

How are you?

                   o   o           o   ooooooo       oooooooooo
                   o   o     o     o         o       o    o
                  o   ooooooooo    o        o        ooooooooo
                  o   o      o  oooooo     o    oooo o    o
                 oo  o      o     o  o    o     o  o ooooooooo
                o o o    o        o  o    o  o  o  o o    o
                  o      o        o  oooooooooo o  o o    o
                  o    o o o     o   o    o     o  o oooooooooo
                  o    o o  o     o o     o     o  o          o
                  o   o  o  oo     o      o     o  o  o o o o o
                  o  o   o   o    o o     o     oooo  o o o o o
                  o      o       o   o    o          o  o o o o
                  o    o o      o    o  o o                   o
                  o     o                o                 ooo

Artist: Elmer Chang 

Dragon (C: loong; M: long2)

                         xxxxxx       xxxx
                           xxx        xxxx
                            x         xxxx
                 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx              x
                      xxxx    xxxx    xxxx                        x
               xxx    xxx     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx         x
                        xx    xx                 xxxx      x
    x      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx     x
        x             xxxxxxxxxxxx    xxxx                 x
          x           xxxx    xxxx    xxxxxxxxxxxxx          x
           x          xxxxxxxxxxxx    xxxx                x
          x           xxxx    xxxx    xxxxxxxxxxxxx                x
       x              xxxxxxxxxxxx    xxxx                           xx
     xx               xxxx    xxxx    xxxxxxxxxxxxx                  xxx
    xxx              xxxx  x  xxxx    xxxx                         xxxxx
     xxxx          xxxx     xxxxx      xxxx                     xxxxxx
       xxxxxxxxxxxxx         xxx         xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Artist: Jurcy Hwang 

Merry Christmas:

OOOOOOOO            O           O     O    O          O   O     O
  O   O  OOOOOO      O      OOOO      O    O         O  OOOOOO O  O
  OOOOO  O    O   OOOOOO      O       O    O   O    OOOO O   O OOO
  O   O  O    O         OOO   O     O OO OOOOOOOO     O  OOOOO  O
  OOOOO  O    O    OOOO   O   O     O O O  O   O     O O O   O O  O
  O   O  OOOOOO          O    OOO   O O    O   O    OOOO OOOOO OOOO
OOOOOOOO           OOOO OO  O O    O  O    O   O           O
      O  O                O O O       OOOOOOOOOOOO   OOOOOOOOOOOOO
        OOO        OOOO   O O O       O    O               O
   OOOOO           O  O O O O O       O   O O           O  O  O
       O           O  O  O OOOOOO     O   O  O         O   O   O
   OOOOOOOOO       O  O O O           O  O    O       O    O    OO
       O           OOOOO   O          O O      OOO  OO     O     O
 OOOOOOOOOOOOO     O  O     OOOOO     OO        O          O

Happy Birthday:

          .             OO           *                  .
                *       OO                  .     /|
                  OO    OO      .               /  |
                  OOOOOOOOOOOOO          .     |    \
                  OOOOOOOOOOOOO               . \    |
                 OO     OO                  *    |  /     *
                OO      OO      .        :       |/        .
                O       OO                    OOOOOOOOOOOO   . .
                        OO             .     OOOOOOOOOOOOO
              ..  OOOOOOOOOOOOO     .        OO         OO
               .        OO   OO     *        OO         OO    .   *
       *                OO                   OO         OO
             .  .       OO    .         .    OO.         O  .
                        OO                   OOOOOOOOOOOOO
                        OO                   OOOOOOOOOOOOO     .
                        OO                   OOOOOOOOOOOOO     .
              OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO        OO         OO
              OO                OOOO         OO         OO
                                    .        OO         OO
                  .     OO                   OO         OO     .
                        OO   OO    OO   .    OOOOOOOOOOOOO  .
                        OO   OO    OO   .    OOOOOOOOOOOO    .
                     OO OO   OO    OO                       O
                     OO OO   OO OOOOOOOOO                  OO
                     OO OO   OO OO OO  OO    .      O      OO    OO
                     OO OO  OO     OO  OO  *      OOOO  OOOOOO  OOOO
               .     OO OO  O      OO  OO    .   OO  OO OO  OO OO  OO
                     OO OO O       O   OO  .     OO  OO O    O  OOOO
                      OOOO O  OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO      OOO  OOOOOO   OOO
                        OOOO      OO     OOOO     OO OO OO   O  OO OO
                        OOOO .    O..       .    OO  OO OO   O OO  OO
                        OO       OO OOO           OOOOO OOOOOO  OOOO
                    .   OO      OO   OOO                  O      .
                        OO .   OO      OO      .          OO
                        OO    OOO       OO      OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
              .         OO    O          OO    OOOO  .    OO     OOOOOO
                        OO           .                 O  OO  O     OO
                                                     OOO  OO  OO
                                                   OOOO   OO   OOO
                                         *        OOO     OO    OOO
                                                   O      OO      O
                                                       * -jurcy

Art by: Frank Mok 

"The Chinese Valentine's Day is called "Yuen Siu" and is on the 15th night of
the first lunar month of the Chinese calendar.  It's true that the Chinese
"Yuen Siu" coincides with the western Valentine's Day this year."

                     =========                      =
                                            =       =       =
                                            =    =  =  =   ==
               =====================              = = =
                       =   =                     =======
                       =   =                     =     =
                       =   =                     =======
                      =    =                     =     =
                     =     =                     =======
                    =      =       =             =     =
                   =       =       =            =     ==
                ===        =========           =       =

                     (Yuen                         Siu)

Artist: Galen Tatsuo Komatsu 

Word, character (C: ji; M: zi4); also 'ji' in Japanese

|                                                                     |
|  "JI"                         __                                    |
|                               "88b                                  |
|                                88P                                  |
|                   d8boooooooood88boooooooooo,.                      |
|                  d88"8888888888888888888888888b                     |
|                 ;887  ___            __     Y88                     |
|                ,88P   88888888888888888b  ,d8P"                     |
|                 ~"     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~88P"                            |
|                               __ ,88P"                              |
|                  _            "888P"       _                        |
|                  Ybooooooooooood888booooooo88o                      |
|                   Y888888888888888888888888888b                     |
|                    ~~~~~~~      Y88b        ~~                      |
|                                  888                                |
|                                  888                                |
|                                  888                                |
|                                  888                                |
|                                  888                                |
|                             ____d888                                |
|                            ~""Y88887                                |
|    |\      _,,,--,,_  ,)       "Y87           yea, I drew all this  |
|    /,`.-'`'   -,  ;-;;'          ~            ...except the kitten  |
|__ |,4-  ) )-,_ ) /\_________________________________________________|
 ~~'---''(_/--' (_/-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Artist: Zhuhai Lin (zhuhail@vax.sbu.ac.uk)

                        `99   o
                      99 99 9o        .o
                      `9999999     ,// `a
                    .ooP`99P'   .o%    ,@9.
                 .''       .oaadObooooa9999
             . ~  .oad999999999999999999P'
               .  ,o9999999999.   o@@o
               o o99'        `99   @@@
               `99'       ,oda9'   "'
                         0   a999o.
                         `.ao" `999,
                                `999;          A Chinese character
                                 999           (means long life).
                   o            ,99'
                    `9a,       ,9F             Z. LIN  17 MARCH, 1994
                      "*bo. ,g9"

"Following is a greeting for happy Chinese new year, done in the old Chinese
character style."

           88          88                 88          88       88      HHHHHHH
   888888888888888888888888888888    88888888888888   88888888888      AAAAAAA
           88          88                 88     88   88       88      PPPPPPP
           88888888888888                88  888888   88888888888      PPPPPPP
     88  88              88  88         88                             YYYYYYY
    88  88   88      88   88  88        88   88888888888888888888
    88  88  88        88  88  88        88   88                88      CCCCCCC
    8888888888  8  8  8888888888        88   88888888888888888888      HHHHHHH
        88     88  88     88            88   88                88      IIIIIII
        88  88 88  88 88  88            88   88888888888888888888      NNNNNNN
        88  88888  88888  88            88   88                88      EEEEEEE
        88     888888     88            88   88888888888888888888      SSSSSSS
        88       88       88            88     88            88        EEEEEEE
        88       888      88            88    88              88
      8888888888    8888888888          88888888           88          WWWWWWW
                            88                        888888888888
    88888888888888  8888888888       88888888888888        88          YYYYYYY
       88    88     88                 88  88  88    88888888888888    EEEEEEE
    88 88888888 88  88                 88  88  88                      AAAAAAA
    88    88    88  8888888888         88  88  88     888888888888     RRRRRRR
    88888888888888  88      88         88  88  88     88        88
          88        88      88         88  88  88     888888888888     TTTTTTT
     888888888888   88      88         88  88  88       88    88       OOOOOOO
          88        88      88         88  88  88    88888888888888
    88888888888888  88      88         88  88  88       88    88       YYYYYYY
    88    88    88  88      88         88  88  88     888888888888     OOOOOOO
    88    88    88  88      88         88  88  88     88        88     UUUUUUU
    88    88    88  88      88             88         888888888888     !!!!!!!

                                                Z. LIN  1990

"Happy Spring Festival!"
                                                       888          888
                                                      88 88        88 88
888888888888888888888                                8    88      88    8   888
888                88                               8      888  888      8  888
88    8888888888888888888888888888       88888888           888888           88
88                 88                                       888888           88
88    8888888888888888888888888888    88888888888888  8888888888888888888    88
88                                          88                88             88
88      888888888888888888888888        88  88  88     88888888888888888     88
88      88                    88        88  88  88            88             88
88      888888888888888888888888        88  88  88    8888888888888888888    88
88                                      88  88  88            88             88
88                 88                   8   88   8            88             88
88    8888888888888888888888888888     8    88    8           88             88
88          88            88                88                88             88
88    8888888888888888888888888888                                           88
88                                       88             88           88      88
88        88888888888888888888        88888888888       888888888888888      88
88        88                88           88     888     88           88      88
88        88   8888888888   88           88       88    88           88      88
88        88                88            88      88    88           88      88
88        88888888888888888888             88    88      8888888888888       88
88          88  88    88  88                88  8                            88
88          88  88    88  88                 888                             88
88          8   88    88   8                 8 88                            88
88         8     8    8     8               8   8                            88
88                8888                    88    8                            88
88                 88                          8                             88
888                 88                       8                              888
888888888888          88888888888888888888888888888888888Z.LIN88888888888888888

I love you. (C: Ngo oi nei; M: Wo3 ai1 ni2)

           ,g  8b ,g                 ,g        8g   8g
       o8888"  88 Y8     .od888888888P"       88'  88'
         88    88 "        88  88  88        88'  88888888b
     8888888888888888   d88888888888888b    888  88  oo  88
         88    88       88    88      88   8'88 8'   88  P'
         88,o  88 o9,     888888888888       88    8 88
         88P   88,8P         88              88   o8 88 g
       ,888    888'         88888888b        88   8' 88 `8,
      d8'88   g88          88 gg ,88'        88  ,P  88  8b
      8' 88 oP 88,        d8' `g88'          88  8   88  `P
         88    `88 g     o8'  gg88b,         88 f    88
        d8'      `b'    o8  oP'   "Y8ao      88     d8'

                                        3/5/1994  Z.LIN

Thanks. (C: jie jie; M: xie4xie)

          888o     8g            88            888o     8g            88
           `9'    88'            88             `9'    88'            88
                 888888888       88                   888888888       88
        88888   8'88    88  888888888        88888   8'88    88  888888888
           88     88888888       88             88     88888888       88
           88     88    88 ,o    88             88     88    88 ,o    88
           88     88888888 89 o, 88             88     88888888 89 o, 88
           88     88   ,88,8' 88 88             88     88   ,88,8' 88 88
           88   88888P",888'  `9 88             88   88888P",888'  `9 88
           88         ,888'      88             88         ,888'      88
           88  ,    ,o8'88       88             88  ,    ,o8'88       88
           88 %    o8"  88       88             88 %    o8"  88       88
           888' ,o?'    88       88             888' ,o?'    88       88
           88'         d8'    *od8'             88'         d8'    *od8'

                                       11/7/1994  Z.LIN

[Here's a translation by Angelina Lam ]
"This is the last sentence from a poetry. The people always take this sentence
with the second last. The author expressed his desire of being with a girl
forever. The first two words mean Long distance, the third one means Together.
I don't know how to explain the last two words. Anyway the whole meaning is:
Even though the persons are separated, they can still be together."

@@@@@@@@@@@@P @@@@@@@@@@@@@P"@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@   @@   @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@P"@
@@P          a@@            a@@@  @@@@  @@@@  @  @@ @ @@ @ @@@  @  @@       a@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@@          @@@  @  @@   @@   @@@  @  @@  @@@  @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@            @@@@  @@@@  @@@      @@@@@@@@@@@@      @@       @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@P@@  @@@  @@@  @@@@  @@@@  @@@@  @  @@        @@@  @  @@@@@@@@@@@
@@            @@            @@@@  @@@@  @P@@  @  @@ @@  @@ @@@  @  @@       @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@            @@  @  @@        @@@  @  @@  @@@  @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@    @@ @@  @@ @@@@    @@       @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@          @@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@  @@@        @@@@@  @@@  @@@  @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@  @@@@  @@@@@  @ @@@@@  @@P@@@@  @ @@       @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@P@@@  @@@@@@  @@@  @@@ @        @@@  @@@ @  @@@  @@
@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@            @@  @@@@@@@@  @  @@@@ @@@@  @@@@@  @@@@ @  @@P  @@
@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@  @@@ o@@

Artist: "(, () |~ |) () |\|" <93cmgl@eng.cam.ac.uk>

"Frankly I prefer small Chinese characters (like my Li) of about 4 or 5
lines -- I find them more challenging to make!"
"My full name is Li Congming."  [Congming means 'smart', can you tell?]

            ___        ,__
    __|__   |_|`_'   _ |_|
    _/|\_   |_||_|  |_||_|
    __7__  _|_| ,,  |_|| |
      J       ||\_|   / `|

Artist: Norbert Ng 

"It's my family name in ascii. i created it when someone who was learning
chinese wanted an idea of how it looked."

      ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,
     dP'  `Q#########b
    dP'        HH
   dPJ    d####HH########b
  dPHH    """""HH"""""""Y#b
 dP'HH         ##       `H#
dP' HH         ##        ##
P'  HH         ##        ##
    HH         ##        ##
    HH    d###################b
    ""    """""""""""""""""""""

Artist: Henry Y.T. Chen 

[This was one of the responses to an article I posted on how to make ascii
characters.]  "Ok, I read your article on how to make chinese characters.
So I tried it, and it worked!  What do you think for a first time rendition?"  []
[I think it's very good.  Just wait until he gets some more experience!]

,,,,,,     ;                                         ,
;   ,;  ''';'''            ;     ''';   ''';          ';     ;''''';
;  ,;   ;'';'';        ;   ;   ; ''';   ''';      ''''''';   ;     ;
;  ',   ;,,;,,;         ;  ;  ;  ''';   ''';           ;'    ;,,,,,;
;    ;  ;  ;  ;          ; ; ;       ,  ;            ;'      ;     ;
;    ;  ''';'''        ,,,,;,,,,    ; ,,;,,        ;' ;';    ;     ;
;  '''   ;';';             ;      ;';   ;         '   ;  '   ;,,,,,;
;      ;'  ;  ';          ; ;       ; ,,;,,           ;      ;     ;
;          ;             ;  ;    ;  ;   ;             ;      ;     ;
;        ',;            ;    ;,,,;  ; ,,;,,           ;   ,,,;,,,,,;,,,,

Artist: Yin Chu 

[These two characters make up Yin's name.]
"Yin (meaning wise or schorlarly) and Chu (meaning red or red ink)"

______   ____
| _|_    \  /        /  |
| ___|    \/        /___|____
|__|__   /  \      /    |
     _____        ______|______
     |___|             /|\
     |___|           /  |  \
     |___|         /    |    \
     /   \       /     \|      \

Artist: Angelina Lam 

[Her name in chinese]:

    ||     ||        ||    ||                   ,,,        |
    ||     ||         ||   ||||  ||||||        '|||    |||||||||
  |||||| ||||||        '   ||        ||        ,||       '''''
   ||||   ||||       ||  ||||||  || ||         ||',,,    '   '
 ,|||||, ,|||||,      ||   ||    || ||        ,||||||    '''''
|'  || '|' ||  '|      ', ||||     |    ,,|||'|| ||'  |||||||||||
    ||     ||         || |'||'|    |    '|''  |,,|'   || ,,,,, ||
    ||     ||        || || || || || ||        ,|||,        |
    ||     ||       ||     ||   ||   ||   ,||'' |||       ,|
    ''     ''       ''     ''   ''   ''    ''     ''       '

Artist: Charles Tso 
[This is the Chinese name of Jackie Chan, one of the most famous HK actors of
our time.  C: Sing Lung; M: Cheng2 Long2 (literally, becoming the dragon).
A lot of great movies!]

                                       \      |                   |    /
                                    --------  |---          ------|------
                                     \    /   |             |     |
                                      \  /    ------|       |     |
                                   ---------- ______|       |_____ |
                                     |----|   |             |     | |   /
                                     |----|   |----         |     |  | /
"The hardest-working man in          |----|   |-----        |     |   |  |
 show business..."                   |   _|   |_______|     |    _|  /  \|

Artists: Sandra Chan  and
         Daniel C. Au 

[Sandra sent this to me during the time I took my first med school exam.
Later I fixed it up a bit, so this is a joint effort.  I wound up passing my
test so it must really work!  Thanks Sandra!]

"The 4 characters together means Good Luck... the pronounciation is "Yat
Lo Shun Fung"... you usually say "Yat Lo Shun Fung" to people who is
going to somewhere else...e.g. travel to other places."

                              ,,                ,,,,,,,,,,,   ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                   ||''''||  ||,,,,|,              ,|'        ||          ||
                   ||    ||,''|    |'      ,, || ,,||,,,,,    || ,,,,,||, ||
                   ||,,,,||   '|  |'    || || || ||     ||    ||    ||    ||
                      ||       '||'     || || || ||,,,,,||    || ,,,||,,, ||
||||||||||||||||      ||,,,    ,||,     || || || ||     ||    || || || || ||
                   ,, ||    ,,|'  ||,,  || || || ||     ||    || ||,||,|| ||
                   || ||     ,,,,,,,,   '' || || ||'''''||    ||    || ,  ||
                   || ||  ,, ||    ||         `` ||     ||    || ,,,||,,|,'|
                   ||,||||'' ||    ||            ''||'||'|    ||        '| |,|
                  ||'''      |''''''|            ,|'   '|,   ,|            '||

[Sandra did the rest herself. :)  Keep up the good work!]

"I just drew 4 Chinese characters to thank my friend for helping me with
my math problem...  The following words mean Thank You."

                                         ||                 ,|
    ,|                    ||        .,,,,,||,,,,,,,,,, '|, ||''''||   ,|
  ,|''             ,,,,,,,,,,,,,||, ;|     |,              ||''''|| ,|',,,,,
,'',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,                  || ,,,, ||  ||     '|. ''''''''' ||  ||
     || || || ||       ,,,,,,,,     || ,,,,  || ||             '|,    |,,|
   ,,||,||,||,||,,                  || |,,|   `||  ,|        ''|''''   ||
     || || || ||       ''''''''     ||        || ''||     ,|| ||:.    ||||
   ,,||,||,||,||,,,   ,,,,,,,,,,    ||,|'                 ,|| || ||   || ||
                      ||      ||    ||   ||  ,|' ,| '|,  ,|   || ||  ||   ||
  ,|'  ||   ||  '|,   ||      ||    ||    ||,,  ,||     ,'   ,'  '| ||     ||
                      |''''''''|   ,|        '''''

"I drew the Chinese name of my favourite HK female singer here...Linda Wong!"

                             ::      ,,,,,,
                          ''';;'''   :    :      ,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,      ''''''    ;    :,      ''''''';;;''''''''
     '''''';;;''''''''    ;''';'';   ,,,,,,         :,   :::  ,,:
           :::            ;''''''' . `.  ;'         `';,.:::,;'
     ,:,,,,;;;,,,,,,      ;    ,,:''' .`'.     ,:,,,,,,,,;;;,,,,,,,,,
      ''''';;;'''''''     ,:,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,    ''''''''':::''''''''''
           :::                   ,;;,       '            :::
           ;;;                ,:' ;; ':,                 :::
  ,:,,,,,,,;;;,,,,,,,,,    .;',,,,;;,,,,';.              :::
   '''''''''''''''''''''      ::      ::                 :::
                              :;'''''';:                 :::
                              :'''''''':                 `:'

"I drew the Chinese name of another HK female singer - Vivian Chow."

    ::::::::::::::      ..::.. ..::..      ,:
    ::          ::      ..::.. ..::..      ;;:::::::::  ;:
    ::    ::    ::      ..::.. ..::..      '..........  ;;:::::::::'
    ::  '';;''  ::        ::     ::         ::  .,  ::  ' ::   ::
    ::  ''''''  ::       :::::::::::        ::  ''  ::     :: ::
    ::  ::::::  ::      ...........:..    ::::::::::::::    :::
    ::  :    :  ::       ..........:        ::  ;;  ::     :: ::
    ::  ::::::  ::    ,:     .,     ,       ::......::.   ::   ::
    ::          ::    ;' :,   ''    '';             ::   ::     ::
    ::         `::       `:,........:             `;::  ::       :::

Artist: Daniel Au (dcau@casbah.acns.nwu.edu)
[Note: Some phrases don't exactly translate directly well in Cantonese
because there are differences between written and spoken Cantonese.]

Both of the following are names for China:
(C: joong wah; M: zhong1 hua2)

                         ,,                 ,,  ,,
                         ::             ,,,,;;,,;;,,,,
                         ::              ,,,;;,,;;,,,
                  ,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,    ,,,,,;;,;;,;;,,,,,
                  ::     ::     ::         :: :: ::
                  ::     ::     ::      ''''''::''''''
                  ;;,,,,,::,,,,,;;    ,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,
                         ::                   ::
                         ::                   :;
                         ::                   ::

(C: joong gok; M: zhong1 guo2)

                         ,,            ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                         ::            ::      ,,     ::
                         ::            :: ''''';;'''' ::
                  ,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,     :: ;''; ;;     ::
                  ::     ::     ::     :: ;,,;  ;; ;: ::
                  ::     ::     ::     ::       ;; ;: ::
                  ;;,,,,,::,,,,,;;     :: ,,,'' ,;;;  ::
                         ::            ::      ;; ;;  ::
                         ::            ::    ''     ' ::
                         ::            :::::::::::::::::

Chinese language: (C: joong mun; M: zhong1 wen2)

                         ,,                    ,,
                         ::                    ::
                         ::           ,,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,,
                  ,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,        ;;        ;;
                  ::     ::     ::         ;;      ;;
                  ::     ::     ::          ':,  ,:'
                  ;;,,,,,::,,,,,;;            '::'
                         ::                  .:'':.
                         ::                ,;'    ';,
                         ::             ,:;'        ';:,

America (U.S.A): (C: mei gok; M: mei3 guo2)

                      ,,    ,,         ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                   ,,,,;,,,,;,,,,      ::      ,,     ::
                         ::            :: ''''';;'''' ::
                     ''''::''''        :: ;''; ;;     ::
                 ,,,,,,,,::,,,,,,,,    :: ;,,;  ;; ;: ::
                         ::            ::       ;; ;: ::
                   '''''';;''''''      :: ,,,'' ,;;;  ::
                       .;'';.          ::      ;; ;;  ::
                     .:'    ':.        ::    ''     ' ::
                  ,;;'        ';;,     :::::::::::::::::

England: (C: ying gok; M: ying1 guo2)

                      ,,    ,,         ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
                   ,,,,;,,,,;,,,,      ::      ,,     ::
                       ' ,, '          :: ''''';;'''' ::
                   ,,,,,,::,,,,,,      :: ;''; ;;     ::
                   ::    ::    ::      :: ;,,;  ;; ;: ::
                ,,,;;,,,,;;,,,,;;,,,   ::       ;; ;: ::
                         ;;            :: ,,,'' ,;;;  ::
                       .;;';.          ::      ;; ;;  ::
                     .:'    ':.        ::    ''     ' ::
                  ,;;'        ';;,     :::::::::::::::::

English language:  (C: ying mun; M: ying1 wen2)

                      ,,    ,,                ,,
                   ,,,,;,,,,;,,,,             ::
                       ' ,, '        ,,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,,
                   ,,,,,,::,,,,,,        ;;        ;;
                   ::    ::    ::         ;;      ;;
                ,,,;;,,,,;;,,,,;;,,,       ':,  ,:'
                         ;;                  '::'
                       .;;';.               .:'':.
                     .:'    ':.           ,;'    ';,
                  ,;;'        ';;,     ,:;'        ';:,

Long time, no see! (C: Ho loi mo geen; M: Hao2 jiu3 bu jian4)

     ::   ,,,,,,,,,       ::         ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,     ,,,,,,,,       ,,
     ::    ''' ,;'       ;;,,,,,,          ,::'           ::    ::      ::::
'''';;'';;    ;;        ;;     ;;        ,;'::';,         ::''''::      ::::
  .;;' ;;' '''::'''    ;'     ;;       ,;'  ::  ';,       ::,,,,::      ::::
   ;; ;;'     ::            ,;;      ;''    ::    ';,     ::    ::       ::
    ;;;'      ::          ,;'';,            ::            '';:::''       ::
   ,;;;,     ,::        ,;'    ';           ::             ,;';;    ,    ,,
.,;''  ';;.   ;;     .;;'        ';,.       :;         .,;;'   '';;;;   ';;'

Let's leave quickly! (C: Ngo dei fai zau; M: Wo3men kuai1 zou3)

  ,,,;''  :: ;,     ,;',,,,, ,,,,,    ::      ,,              ,,          ,;,
 '''::    ::  '   ,::' :: ;: :: ::    ::      ;;          ,,,,;;,,,,      :::
,,,,;;,,,,;;,,,, ;;':: ::,:: ::,::   ,::', '''::'''::         ::          :::
    ::    ::        :: :: :: :: :: ;;':: ''   ::   ::   ,,,,,,;;,,,,,,    :::
    ::,;  :: ,;     :: ::''' '''::    :: ''''';;'''''''    ,, ::          :::
 .,;::'    :;;'     :: ::       ::    ::     ,:;,          :;,::''''       :
 '  ::   ,;;:. .    :: ::       ::    ::    ,;' ';,       ;;'';;,          .
   ';;  '   ``;'    ;; ::      ';;    ::.,;;'     ';;,. .;;    ''';;;,,.. ';'

You're very pretty! (C: Nei ho leng; M: Ni2 hen3 piao4liang4)

    ,;'  ;;            .;' ,,,,,,,,  ,,   ,,,,,,,,,,,,  ,,,,,,;;,,,,,,    ,
  ,::'  ;;,,,,,,,,   ,;',; ::    ::   ';, ,,,;;,,;;,,,     ,,,,,,,,      :::
;;'::  ;;'  :: ,;'  ;;',;' ::''''::  ,,   :: ::  :: ::     ;;,,,,;;      :::
   ::       ::  .    ,;;;  ::,,,,;;   ';, ''''''''''''  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,   :::
   ::  ,:'  ::  ':. '' ::  :: ;,        ,   ''''''''    ;;  ,,,,,,  ;;   :::
   ::  ;'   ::   ';    ::  ::  ;,;'    ;' ''''';;'''''      ::  ::        :
   ::     ,,::         ::  :: ;;;,   ,;;   ;;' :: ';,       ;;  ::        ,
   ;;      ';;         ;;  ;;'   ';,.         ';;       .,;;'   ';;,..;  ';'

I love you. (C: Ngo oi nei; M: Wo3 ai1 ni2)

           ,,,;''  :: ;,      ,,,;;;;;'''         ,;'  ;;
          '''::    ::  '        '; ': ;'        ,::'  ;;,,,,,,,,
         ,,,,;;,,,,;;,,,,   ,;'''''''''''';'  ;;'::  ;;'  :: ,;'
             ::    ::        ,;';; ';, ';,,      ::       ::  .
             ::,;  :: ,;     ;' ';;;;;;' ';      ::   ,:' ::  ':.
          .,;::'    :;;'         ,;,,,,,         ::   ;'  ::   ';
          '  ::   ,;;:. .       ''';,;'          ::     ,,::
            ';;  '   ``;'       .;;' ';;.        ;;      ';;

How are you? (C: Nei ho ma?; M: Ni2 hao3 ma?)

     ,;'  ;;              ::   ,,,,,,,,,         ,,,,,,,,,       ,,,,,,,,,
   ,::'  ;;,,,,,,,,       ::    ''' ,;'   ,,,,,, ::  ::        ,;;'     ;:;
 ;;'::  ;;'  :: ,;'  '''';;'';;    ;;     ::  :: ::''::'''     ';;      ,::
    ::       ::  .     .;;' ;;' '''::'''  ;;  ;; ::,,::,,,           ,;;'
    ::  ,:'  ::  ':.    ;; ;;'     ::     '''''' ::  ::              ::
    ::  ;'   ::   ';     ;;;'      ::            ''''''''';;         ::
    ::     ,,::         ,;;;,     ,::         ;' ;; ;; '; ;;         ,,
    ;;      ';;      .,;''  ';;.   ;;                   ,;;         ';;'

I miss you. (Wo2 huai2nian4 ni3)

   ,,,;''  :: ;,      :: ,,,,,;;;,,,;,        ,;,            ,;'  ;;
  '''::    ::  '      ::  ,,,,,,,,,,,       ,;' ';,        ,::'  ;;,,,,,,,,
 ,,,,;;,,,,;;,,,,    ,::;,;;,;;,;;,;;     ,;'  '; ';,    ;;'::  ;;'  :: ,;'
     ::    ::      ;;':: '  ;, ; ,;     ,;' ,,,,,,, ';,     ::       ::  .
     ::,;  :: ,;      ::  '''';;'''''           ,;          ::   ,:' ::  ':.
  .,;::'    :;;'      ::    ,;', ,;'         '';,   ,,      ::   ;'  ::   ';
  '  ::   ,;;:. .     :: ,;':: .;;      ,,';;   '  ; ';,    ::     ,,::
    ';;  '   ``;'     ::    ;;'  ';;'  ';' ';;;;;;;;'       ;;      ';;

The following are names of friends of mine:

     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,     ,,,,;;,,;;,,,,
            ::             ,,,;;,,;;,,,
            ::          ,,,,,;;,;;,;;,,,,,
     ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,        :: :: ::
            ::            ''''''::''''''
            :: ';,.     ,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,
            ::   '''            ::
    ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;           :;

     ,;' ,,,,,,,,,,,     ,     ::     ,,      ,,,,;;,,;;,,,,
   ,::'      ;:'         ;;,   ::   ,;;        ,,,;;,,;;,,,
 ;;'::      .:;            ;;, :: ,;;       ,,,,,;;,;;,;;,,,,,
    ::   ,,,;;;,,,,    ,,,,,,;;;;;;,,,,,,        :: :: ::
    ::      ;;   ::          :;''::           ''''''::''''''
    ::     ;;'   ::         .;;  ::         ,,,,,,,,;;,,,,,,,,
    ::    .;;    ::        .;;   ::                 ::
    ;; ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;   .,;''    ';;;,,.;           :;

        ::         ;,   ::   ,;     ,,,;;;;;'''
  ''''';::;'''''    ';, :: ,;'        '; ': ;'
     ,' :: ',         ';::;'      ,;'''''''''''';'
   ,'  ';;   ',    ;:'''''''':;    ,;';; ';, ';,,
     ''''';''      ::  ,,,,  ::    ;' ';;;;;;' ';
        ::         ::  ;  ;  ::       ,;,,,,,
   '''''::'''''    ::  ''''  ::      ''';,;'
       ';;         ;;       ';;      .;;' ';;.

      ,,,,,,,,          ..                          ..
      ::    ::          ::   ;;;;;;;;   ;;;::;;; :: :: ::
  ,;' ''''''''       :: ::     ,;'         ::    ;;,;;,;;
  '''''''::''''';;   :: :: ;; ;;''';;   ,,,::,,, ,,,,,,,,
         ;;    ''    ;; ::   ;;,,,;;       ::    ,,,;,,,,
  '''''';::;''''''      ::       ,;'       ::    :: : ;::
    ,,;;'  ';;,,        ;;   ;;;;;;;;   ;;;;;;;; ;; ; ;;;

        ::       ::
     ''';;''' ''';;'''
      '';;''   '';;''
     ''';;''' ''';;'''
     ;;' ,  ';;  , ';;
    '   ';;,,,,,,;'

  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,    ,,    ,,         ,, ,,       .
  ::   ;'';        ;;  ,,;,,,;,     ;;,,::,,,,   |   Daniel C. Au
  ::   ''''      ,;':: .,;' ';,.  ,;'   ::       |   dcau@nwu.edu
  :: ;''; ;'';      ::  ,;,,,,,     ''''::''''   |   Northwestern University
  :: '''' ''''      :: ''';,;'          ;;       |   Medical School
  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;    ;; .;;' ';;.   ,;;;;;;;;;;;  |   Chicago, IL

[The Chinese is written in an olden style.  This is from an actual chop that
a friend made for me.  Just imagine it in red...]

        !!! ,, !!' === '!!! ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!!
        !!! !! !!''' '''!!! !!'''''''''''!!!!
        !!! !! !!''' '''!!! !! !!!!!!!!! !!!!
        !!! !! !!''' '' !!! !!,,,,, ,,,,,!!!!
        !!! !! !! !! '''!!! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!
        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !!!! !!!! !!!!
        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! ,,,, ,,,, !!!!
        !!! !!!!! !!!!! !!! !! !!!! !!!! !!!!
        !!!,,,,,, ,,,,,,!!! !! !!!! !!!! !!!!
        !!!'''''' ''''''!!! !! '''' '''' !!!!
        !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's a Coca-cola sign I made:

          ||     ||||||||| ||||||||  ||||||||| ||||||||| MMMMMM||
          ||      ,,,, ||  ||    ||   ,,,, ||  ||  ||    MMMMMM||
          ||      |,,| ||  ||    ||   |,,| ||  ''''||''''      ||
          ||          '||  ||||||||       '||  /; '||  ;\      ||
          ||              ,,,, dddddddddddddP'                 ||
          ||MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBBbbb                       ||
          ||YMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMKPPP''           Coca Cola      ||

[I used the styles found in some of the Chinese New Year characters, and
played around with them to make some made some useful phrases and other
things.  See the CNY list for more stylistic samples.]

[This time I tried my hand at making larger characters of my name.  At this
size I can work on the nuances, like brush strokes.]

 ||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,         |,    ,|                    |,   ||,
 ||                             ,||   ,|'     ,,             ||    ||
 ||    ||'''''''''||           ,|' ,,|;,,,,,,,,;;,          ,|'    ||    ,,
 ||    ||         ||          ,|'      ,,,  ,    '         ,|''''''||'''''''
 ||    ||'''''''''||        ,|||     ,|''    '|,.        ,|'       ||
 ||                       ,|' ||   ,|' ,        '|,    ,|'         ||
 ||  ||''''|| ||''''||   '    ||  '    ||,,,,,|,  ''  '            ||     ,,
 ||  ||    || ||    ||        ||      ||,    ||            ''''''''||''''''''
 ||  ||    || ||    ||        ||     ||'|,  ,|'                    ||
 ||  ||''''|| ||''''||        ||   ,'    '||'                      ||
 ||                           ||       ,,|''|,.                    ||
,||,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,     ||  ,,,||''    ''||||'    ,,,,,,,,,,,||,,,,,,,,||,

Peace: (C: ping on; M: ping2an1)

                         ,,                        ||'
        '''''''''||'''''''''              |        ||        ,
         ,       ||      ,,              ||'''''''''''''''''|||
          '|,    ||     ,|'             ||'      ||        ,|'
           '|,   ||    ,|'                      ||
            ||'  ||   ,|'               ,,,,,,,||,,,,,,,,,,,,||,
                 ||  '     ,,                 ,|'       ||
      '''''''''''||'''''''''''               ,|'       ||
                 ||                         ,||,,,    ||
                 ||                         ''    ''|||,
                 ||                              ,,|'  ''|,,
                 ||                     ,,,,,,|'''         '||

Meaning or idea; opinion, wish, desire: (yi4si1)

                  ||'     ,,
        '''''|'''''''||'''''               ||''''''||''''''||
             '|,    ,|'    ,,              ||      ||      ||
      ''''''''''''''''''''''''             ||      ||      ||
          ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,                ||''''''||''''''||
          ||            ||                 ||      ||      ||
          ||''''''''''''||                 ||      ||      ||
          ||,,,,,,,,,,,,||                 ''''''''''''''''''
                ,,                         , ,,  ,,         ,
        ,'  ||    '|,  ,  ',             ,|  ||    '|,    ,  |,
      ,|'   ||         |,  '|,         ,|'   ||           |,  '|,
      ''    '|||||||||||'   ''         ''    '|||||||||||||'   ''

Yellow; also a surname: (C: wong; M: huang2)

                               ||'   ||'
                               ||    ||
                            ||    ||    ||
                              ,|'    '|,
                            ,||'      '||,
                          ,||'          |||,

[One person emailed me and asked if I could make the characters for his
fiancee's name (Meiling, 'mei'-beautiful and 'ling' - clever, smart).
I did it and sent it to him.  (He told me she was very happy with it).]

                 '||      ||'              ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,
              ,,,,,|,,,,,,|,,,||,                  ||        ,
                      ||                 ||''''''''||''''''''||
                ,,,,,,||,,,,|,           || '''''' || '''''' ||
                      ||                 |' '''''' || '''''' |'
            ,,,,,,,,,,||,,,,,,,||,        ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,
                      ||                  ||  || ||  || ||  ||
             ,,,,,,,,,||,,,,,,||,         '''''' '''''' ''''''
                     ,||,                ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,||,
                   ,|'  '|,                  ||    ||    ||
                 ,|'      '|,              ,|''|,  ||  ,|''|,
             ,,||'          '||,,       ,,||,,,,||,||,||,,,,||,,

Happy Birthday: (C: Sang yet fai lok; M: sheng1 ri4 kuai4 le4)

[larger version with complicated characters]

           8                               8      8            8   8     8
      8    8           8888888888888       8      8           8  8888   8
      8    8           8           8     8 8 8  8888888      8   8  8  8
      88888888888      8           8     8 8 8    8   8     8888 8888 8888
     8     8           8           8     8 8 8    8   8       8  8  8   8
    8      8           8           8     8 8 8    8   8      8 8 8  8  8 8
   8       8           8888888888888     8 8 8    8   8     8888 8888 8888
  8  888888888888      8           8     8 8 8    8   8            8
           8           8           8     8 8 8 888888888    88888888888888
           8           8           8     8 8 8    8             8  8  8
           8           8           8    8  8 8   8  8          8   8   8
           8           8           8       8    8    8        8    8    8
   8888888888888888    8888888888888       8  88      88     8     8     8

[smaller version with simplified characters]


   O  O          OOOOOOOOOO       O    O         OOOOOOOOO       OOOO
  OOOOOOOOO      O        O       O  OOOOOO      O   O          OOOOOO
 O    O          O        O     O O    O  O     O    O          OOOOOO
O     O          OOOOOOOOOO     OOOO   O  O     OOOOOOOOOOO      OOOO
  OOOOOOOOO      O        O     O O OOOOOOOO       O O O          OO
      O          O        O       O    O          O  O  O
      O          OOOOOOOOOO       O   O O        O   O   O        OO
 OOOOOOOOOOO     O        O       O  O   OO     O   OO    O       OO



From: dcau@casbah.acns.nwu.edu (Daniel Au)
Newsgroups: alt.ascii-art,rec.arts.ascii,alt.binaries.pictures.ascii
Subject: Line/talk: Chinese Characters Tips
Date: 12 Nov 1994 00:27:14 -0600

This article began as a reply I made to a friend who asked me how to make
Chinese characters using ASCII. (Hi Amy!)  She asked me if it was natural
talent or whether anyone can do it.  I think everyone can do it!

I learned how to do it myself when I saw two characters someone had made in
their sig.  I liked the style of it so I tried making some of my own art
(beginning with my name), using the same technique, and eventually creating my
own style of making characters.  Hopefully the Chinese Characters List will be
able to help you and others to have a reference of characters so that can you
learn how to make your own characters, borrowing styles and creating your own
way of making them.  It's really fun (and easy!) once you begin and get used
to making it.

I guess one of the tricks I use is to first have an idea of what I'm going to
do before I attempt to draw it.  Sometimes the hardest part of it is knowing
where to begin :) Once I know how I'm going to go about it, I begin by making
a rough outline or skeleton of my character.  For example, if I wanted to draw
the charcter for water:  (Mandarin: shui3)

                                ||   ||
                          ||||| || ||
                             || || ||
                           ||   ||   ||
                         ||     ||     ||

Then I smooth it out, and add finer details to it using , ' and |  (the sig
below with my name, I used , ' : and ; for a different effect.)

                                ||  ,|,
                             ,| ||'|,
                           ,|'  ||  '|,
                        ,||''   ||    '||,

And that's all there is to it!  If it seems like a giant leap from step one
to step two, it's really not that difficult.  Trial and error at first, and
then later you'll have an idea of what to do.  Personally, I like to do
my creating and editing using the DOS editor and then upload into my account
to post or mail.  Having a dictionary around will be helpful so you can check
for strokes and stylistics.

So those of you who know Chinese, try making your own characters!  If you need
help, don't hesitate in sending samples to me.  I can try to help.  Please
send your art to me so I can also include it in my collection.  Mail me to be
put on the list and to receive a copy if you haven't gotten it yet.  (Note:
This technique can work with Japanese and Korean too!)

Mail me if you have any questions or suggestions or would just like to chat.
Create on!


    :  :  .:```:.   :               .`    ..`               :.......:
    :````: `. .`    :   Student    `:`:```:`:```               : :
    :``:``  :`:   : :`` :`````:     :`:`` :`:``       .        : :    .
   :..:...`   `. : :   `.   .`     :`:`` :`:``   ...```  `:```:`:````:`
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 . Profess:ional `  :  : `  `. |-RoM   `...`   ``````:```` :          :
````````````````   .;        `.        .:`:. . . ..``:``.. :``````````:
                               `.....:`     `` ``:```:```:``   California....
   E-Mail : TMChU@CSUPomona.Edu                  :   :   :      /|SCi by
   Den.Wa : 818.LuV.FaYE                         `````````     / ToORiMa

                                 \   ___      _________      ___\_____
Will Grant                      --- |   |      \  |  /      \  |      /
wsgrant@artsci.wustl.edu          /  ---     ____\|/____     __|___|_
Snail Mail:                     /|\  | |          |            |   |
742 West Canterbury Rd Apt. B    |   | |          |             \ /
St. Louis MO 63132               |  /  \/         |             / \

           :      ;     ;                 (c) 1995           :
           :   ,,,,,,,  ;''''                                :
           :     ','   ''''';       -- Dennis GW Xiao --     :
           :  ''''''''';'''''     gw@uhunix.uhcc.hawaii.edu  :
           :    ;''''; ;''''                                 :
           :    ;''''; ;''''' ,       (office) 956-3447      :
           :    ;''''; ;''''''  ,        (fax) 956-3257      :
           :    ;,,,,; ',,,,,,,'     University of Hawaii    :

                            _  _
                           | || |
                           | || |_ _    please send all e-mails to:
                           | __ | | |    tokyo@u.washington.edu
                           / __||_|_|
                    .-.    \/      /   .-.  _
                    : :     \_____/   .' `.:_;
         .--.  .--. : `-.  .--.   .--.`. .'.-. .--.  ,-.,-.
        `._-.'' '_.'' .; :' .; ; `._-.': : : :' .; ; : ,. :
        `.__.'`.__.'`.__.'`.__,_;`.__.':_; :_;`.__,_;:_;:_;

                   :'              :'    .         :'    .
                   :        ''''''':''''''' '''''''''''''''
               :'  :  '.      :'''':'''':      :''''''':
              :    :    :.    :'''':'''':      :.......:
            .'     :     ':   ''''::'''''      ..  :  .
                   :            .' :''..      .'   :   ':.
                '..:        ..''   :    ':' ''   ..:     '
                  '                '              '

|   Age us a natter if feelings         ---\_/---  __|__)-=====-        |
|         Not Years.                      __|__     /|\   | \ |         |
|   Life is a series of new              |__|__|   / | \ -|---|-        |
|         Beginnings.                    |__|__|     |    |_\_|_        |
|   All Beginnings are Lovely.             / \      \|        ;         |
|                                                                       |
|   H-Mai cgo@uclink2.berkeley.edu :  Go Cal Bears :-)                  |


Steven, SIOW                               _\ _ _ /_
                                             \   /
Opinions expressed are absolutely           ___|___
  personal                               ______|___|__
  * Plan early for Retirement                  |
  * Mutual Funds are currently the         | | | | |
      best bet, what do you think ?        | - | - |
                                           | - | - |
                                           / - | - |
itsiow@bcarh8e5.bnr.ca                    /  | | | |



          /    /             |---------------------------------------|
        /| --/----           |  Thoon Koh Yew at NUS, Singapore      |
      /  | /|----|           |  E-mail: eng30430@leonis.nus.sg       |
         |  |____|           |  Tel. no.:  7795774 (RH6)             |


[The 'lee' may be small but it's nice]

See you!   __|__  ##  .._@': C.M.G. Lee  ##  >>-->: 93cmgl@eng.cam.ac.uk  ##
           _/|\_  ##   Trinity College   ##   _, _  _ _| _  _       __o   ##
    Gordon __7__  ##      Cambridge      ##  (_)(_)( (_|(_)( )    _'\<,_  ##
    ______   J    ##     CB2 1TQ, UK     ##  (__)      Lee'94 ...(*)/_(*) ##
___/   __ \______
      ) _\_)_____)                                      c<<.... (##)---===
     / (____)

            Daniel Nai Ping Chen                   -+-+ ___|___
          chen56@wharton.upenn.edu                  |_/ ___|___
           Accounting and Finance                   | \ \__|__/
                                                    |_/  \_|_/
                 @}--,---'----                      |     /|\
               The Taoist Jesuit                    |    / | \
            ad majorem dei gloriam                  |   /  |  \
          204 Morris  (215) 417-5603                |     \|

[One from a Ranma 1/2 fan - good cartoon :)]
 *       /  |         _______     /|          /   *                          *
 *     /|   |        |___|___      |        /`    *  Akane: "Sukiyo Ranma..  *
 *   ___|___|        |___|___      |      /`      *          Daisuki."       *
 *      |   |        |___|_____   _|_   /` /``\   *  Ranma: "H...HONTO????"  *
 *    __|__ |      . . . .    |       /`      /   *                          *
 *    |   | |    |  `\`\`\`\  |     /`      /`    * -- Ranma 1/2, 1st OAV -- *
 *    |___|  \__/`         \_/`   /`       |___   *                          *
 *       Song Bang, UC Berkeley        *   e-mail: sob@uclink.berkeley.edu   *

From: Scott Chong 
*                                                                         *
* -----  ----       \        ----   /    "Believe in the good that beats  *
*     |  |_       ------       /   /|     in every heart.  Believe in the *
* -----  |-        |  |       /    -+-    light which warms every soul.   *
* |      ----    |------/     \     |     And let hope never stray far    *
* -----  |         ----      \ \   -+-    from your side." -Blue Paladin  *
*     |  |\/       |  |       \|                                          *
*  \  |  |/\       |  |      \ |\                                |        *
*   \--  /        /   \__     \| \        <======================+=====]  *
*                                                                |        *
*                                                                         *

[I don't know what it is in Japanese, but the characters are in Chinese.]
Yuu*Yuu*Hakusho LIVE! Bui on IRC/Bum at Home.    _____|____
      |          _\ _|_ /____     _____/_____   ______|____|_
|  /  |  /  |     |  |_  ___     |           |   _____|____|
| /_/ | /_/ |     |  | | _/_     |           |    ____|___
|  /  |  /  |  *  |  | |  \   *  |-----------|  ______|______
| /_/ | /_/ |     | /  /  /      |           |    _________
|_____|_____|     /\_________    |___________|   |_________|
Rob Morishige (morishi@wiliki.eng.hawaii.edu)    |_________|
"Even at the final end...His words are concern for the opponent
        who defeated him?" -Genkai, Yuu*Yuu*Hakusho.


[Here are some "scanscii" pictures by the next two contributors.]

Artist: Ben Bullock 

"I make chinese characters just from using a screen grab and then a pbm
utility (cheating, I know).  Sometimes I need them for post to

Here is an example::

 $ oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo $
 $ $                                                        $ $
 $ $     "oo      $$"   $$"                 $$"             $ $
 $ $       $$ oooo$$oooo$$oo$$o     $       $$        oo    $ $
 $ $              $$    $$         $$"""""""""""""""""$$"   $ $
 $ $   "oo      $ooooooooo$$o     $$             oo  o"     $ $
 $ $     $$  $  $$   $$   $$          """""""""""$$"        $ $
 $ $        $   $$ooo$$ooo$$                o  o""          $ $
 $ $       $"   ""   $$   ""                $$"       oo    $ $
 $ $      $$   """"""$$""""""    """""""""""$$"""""""""""   $ $
 $ $   oo$$  oooooooo$$oooooooo             $$              $ $
 $ $    "$$        o$" "o                   $$              $ $
 $ $     $$       o$"   "$$oooo             $$              $ $
 $ $     "$$ ooo""        ""$$           ""$$"              $ $
 $ $                                                        $ $
 $ $                  ooo                   ooo             $ $
 $ $      $$"    $$"  $$   $$"              $$              $ $
 $ $      $$     $$   $$   $$               $$              $ $
 $ $      $$  oo $$   $$   $$    ooooooooooo$$oooooooo$$o   $ $
 $ $   """"""$"""$$""""""""$$               $$              $ $
 $ $    o    $$"            oo              $$              $ $
 $ $     $   $" """""$$""""""""    ooooooooo$$oooooo$$o     $ $
 $ $     $o  $   o  o"      oo           o$"$$ "o           $ $
 $ $     $$ o"   $$""$""$"""$$"         o$" $$  "o          $ $
 $ $        $ oo $$  $  $   $$        o$"   $$   "$o        $ $
 $ $    "$$$""   $$  $  $   $$      o$"     $$     "$$ooo   $ $
 $ $     "       $$  $  $   $$   oo""       $$       "$$    $ $
 $ $             $$  $  $ "$$"              $$              $ $
 $ $                                                        $ $
 $ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" $

Artist: Michael Wu 

"I just try to make such interesting ascii Chinese word in a systematic way
with some technology.  I cut the words from newspaper and use a scanner to
capture as a file, then use a program to convert it to the ascii format!"

"Here is a trial for generating some chinese ascii words, Hope you'd like it!
It means 'chasing the wave'.  It can describe the dreams of the people who
yacht.  It can also implicitly describe those people who are blindly chasing
the trend."

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~   `!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   !!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~``  ..:: '!!!!!~ '~!!!!
!!!!!!!h.  ~! .::  !!!~ :!!!!!!!! '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f  !!.:!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!! '!!!!!!!!  `!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!`~~~`  .!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ :!!!!!!!  !!!!!!`!!  '~!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!:.   :!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!`   !!!!!!!!  !!!!~ :!!!:   `4!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!!!::!!!!!!!~~~` !!!!!!:  !!!!!!!!  !~` .!!!!!!:     ``~!!
!!!!!!!~.: `!!!!!!!!!!!~~``      !!!!!!!!  !!!!!!!!    :!!!!!!!!!!:.   :!!!
!!!!!~ :!!!:. `````        ..::!!!!!!!!!!  '!!!!~`  .
               /  9$$$c                  4$$ud$$$$"
                 J$$$#                    $$$*7$P
               .@$$$             -eeu     9$E $"uee
             .@$$$$N              ^$P     '"b$W$$$#
           @$$$*$$$ ..ueW$$Ne     *"      .@P7$$$"
              u$$$$  .e$*""^`   .eeu    zP" d$$**$$$$$$c
            .$$$$$$b#"          ~$$$F      @$$ .uu "**$*
          e@$*" u$$$$$           d":L    .$$#u@*$6
        s$$*   t$>.9$$>         '"d$F  x@$P .?9$$"
               @$$$*$$E         9$$$  d$$"  `$$#     .@>
               $$$#d$$E         $$$$        "#$euuee$$$
               #$$$$$$E          "#"          ^"**$$$$"

Inverse :


Artist: Galen Tatsuo Komatsu 

"A friend writing the FAQ for the game Samurai Shodown II asked me to draw a
title for it.  I came up with this."

            dP.         ____   __ _  _ _  _ ____    __ _
           88  ~;      |  __| /  | \/ | || |  _ \  /  | |
    ,ooooo888ooodbooo  |__  |/   |    | || |  _ < /   | |
    Y88888888888P"""   |____/_/|_|_||_|____|_| \_/_/|_|_|
         "888P            ____ ____ _ ____ _ _____ ____
      ,   "8P_____d8b    |  __|  _ \ |  _ \ |_   _|  __|
      'b ,ooP"""  Y88b,  |__  |  __/ |    < | | | |__  |
       88P   ____  8881  |____|_|  |_|_|\_|_| |_| |____|
       888 """"""  888
       888b ~"Y8888888        Samurai Shodown II FAQ
       Y888b      ,888          
 "Y88"    ,do.  ""Y888b.             
   ~    ,d8888     "Y888b
        88888P       Y8881
         """"         """

"The Japanese title for the game is "Shin Samurai Spirits" the character on
the left is, you guessed it, "shin".  More or less means on the lines of
"true" "pure" etc..."  [In Chinese, it's pronounced "zhen."]

Contributed by: Jian-Min Li 

"Those two Chinese characters mean Go (a game, or Wei2 Qi2 in Chinese)."

          Welcome to IGS at hellspark.wharton.upenn.edu 6969 (5.0)
                   Copyright(c) 1992-1994 Tim L. Casey.
            @@@@       @@         @@@     There is no expectation of privacy
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     @@@        @@@     on this server.
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 @@    @@@     @@      @@    @@@  @@      There is no warrantee, implied or
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 @@ @@@@@@@@   @@      @@     @   @@@@@   software.
 @@     @      @@      @@@@ @@@@@@@@      Please let us know what you think:
 @@     @@@@   @@    @@@@@@ @@@   @@      tcasey@adobe.com  tweet@pasteur.fr
 @@  @@@@@     @@  @@@@@@     @ @ @@      fmc@pasteur.fr hale@xcf.berkeley.edu
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 @@           @@@      @@    @@    @@@@   Online help is available, just use
 @             @@      @@   @@      @@@   the command 'help'.
               @@      @   @@        @@

        888     d8b                                 
        888     Y8P                                 
 .d8888b88888b. 88888888b.  .d88b. .d8888b  .d88b.  
d88P"   888 "88b888888 "88bd8P  Y8b88K     d8P  Y8b 
888     888  888888888  88888888888"Y8888b.88888888 
Y88b.   888  888888888  888Y8b.         X88Y8b.     
 "Y8888P888  888888888  888 "Y8888  88888P' "Y8888  
      _     _                      
     | |   (_)                     
  ___| |__  _ _ __   ___  ___  ___ 
 / __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _ \/ __|/ _ \
| (__| | | | | | | |  __/\__ \  __/
 \___|_| |_|_|_| |_|\___||___/\___|
           88          88                                              
           88          ""                                              
 ,adPPYba, 88,dPPYba,  88 8b,dPPYba,   ,adPPYba, ,adPPYba,  ,adPPYba,  
a8"     "" 88P'    "8a 88 88P'   `"8a a8P_____88 I8[    "" a8P_____88  
8b         88       88 88 88       88 8PP"""""""  `"Y8ba,  8PP"""""""  
"8a,   ,aa 88       88 88 88       88 "8b,   ,aa aa    ]8I "8b,   ,aa  
 `"Ybbd8"' 88       88 88 88       88  `"Ybbd8"' `"YbbdP"'  `"Ybbd8"'  


ASCII Character Codes:

c = ASCII 99

h = ASCII 104

i = ASCII 105

n = ASCII 110

e = ASCII 101

s = ASCII 115

e = ASCII 101


C = ASCII 67

H = ASCII 72

I = ASCII 73

N = ASCII 78

E = ASCII 69

S = ASCII 83

E = ASCII 69
